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Master. Being superior to everyone else

"If one were to say in a word what the condition of being a samurai is, its basis lies first in seriously devoting one's body and soul to his Amin."

by TCFGambler March 1, 2017

44👍 22👎


A very uplifting, lovable girl. She speaks her mind without giving it a second thought, which is positive in most cases but could be devestating in other. She stands up for what she believes in, but also accepts other people's opinions. However, she is a bit naïve and easily fooled. Or is she doing this to gain attention from others? Is she really as innocent as she seems?

Let's pull an antonja and stand up against people not accepting common rights.

You don't know who Bigfoot is? No? That's so antonja.

by TCFGambler December 14, 2016