Source Code

Unpopular Opinion

A warning when people say their opinions so other people won't be as offended.

I have so many unpopular opinions.

by THESAYCOMPTER3 April 7, 2021

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A place with very little freedom of speech and sympathy for the average user of it.

Guy #1: I got banned from Reddit for posting a picture of my dog on the wrong subreddit.
Guy #2: That's just Reddit for ya.

by THESAYCOMPTER3 July 12, 2020

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Electronic Sounds

A type of video remix that involves putting a video through MAGIX Music Maker's "Strings" settings in the built-in vocoder to make it sound robotic and melodic at the same time.

Did you see Drake's new music video with Electronic Sounds?

by THESAYCOMPTER3 April 8, 2021

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Electronic Sounds

A type of meme that involves taking a clip and running it through a vocoder. Making it sound musical.

Electronic Sounds are everywhere. And they cure depression.

by THESAYCOMPTER3 April 8, 2021

Psychological Video

The opposite of a realistic ghost video.

Popular in the early 2000s, they usually contained more obvious editing and special effects than regular Ghost videos, which were supposed to be taken seriously.

Guy #1: Omg this video is so creepy, I would've moved out of that house if I were them!

Guy #2: That's not a ghost, it just a Psychological Video.
Guy #1: Well then nice editing. I guess I'm gonna have nightmares now.

by THESAYCOMPTER3 July 7, 2020

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Mr Krabs

A person (especially an older man) who is similar to the character of the same name from Spongebob Squarepants. Has no sympathy, spends very little money, and guilt-trips other people (usually younger people) over behavior they don't think is acceptable. Even if it's really just their own personal opinion.

Guy #1: My mom is making me to throw away all of my T-shirts all because I spent all of my allowance on it, and because she doesn't like Led Zeppelin. How can I convince her to let me keep them?!
Guy #2: Tell Mr Krabs that she needs to deal it. You're growing up.

by THESAYCOMPTER3 July 12, 2020

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Dr Howard Schnider

A man who was used as a social experiment at creating everyone's worst nightmare for dentists.

Oh god, Dr Howard Schnider is back in business and ready to strike again.

by THESAYCOMPTER3 October 7, 2021