A group of "gifted" individuals located in a small town high school. They are the envy and joke of the school. Their dreams consist of Being jacked and tanned, hooking up with LGs and driving around in their VTec's aka (ricers). Although th...ey are socially inept, they have the ability to party their way through life. If they don't kill each other from the effects of UV rays they will possibly succeed in life. Although they don't understand the concept of having a life outside of partying and gym, they can do their laundry so they have fresh wife beaters for hanging out and clean tees for T-Shirt time...
Chizzled guy- I wanna be part of the dream team
Hot girl- I didn't know you liked men!
Chizzled guy- I just want to be jacked and take pictures of my self in Wife beets!
Hot girl- Yup..... your gay.
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