When a penis so hard it starts to glow and shines like a beacon to guide a sexual partner to the cock.
Amy gave me such a Dick Lamp that she Han no problem finding my cock in the dark room.
When a person has such rough anal sex that the rectum prolapses.
Erika ended up with a Butt-Sex Bonnet after her date Friday night.
Puritan headwear worn to hide the shame and guilt of having engaged in anal sex.
Erika came into the pub still wearing her Butt-Sex Bonnet. Her date must have went well.
When your foot slips into a woman (either vaginaly or analy) until your leg is engulfed completely to the knee joint.
SKÃL Bro: Rich and his sister did the Knee in the Piss Pan.
SKÃL Ho: Holy fucking shot balls!!
Two close friends that are fans of the Vikings.
Frank, Chris and Vidar are SKÃL Bros.
SKÃL Bro 1: How was your date with Attention Peice?
SKÃL Bro 2: she let me Popâer in the Piss Pan with my Piss Pen.
Pals that sit at the end of the bar and talk shit and spread haterade on the other patrons and general trash.
Frank: Jade and Chris have become close Hate Pal.
Amy: Well fuck!!!!!!