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Tent City

noun. A highly over-hyped, mediocre gathering, located somewhere in Bum Fuck, in which party "hosts" who once viewed themselves as "big fish in a small pond" leave the small pond, but to their dismay soon realize after spending time in a "big pond" (or the real world after high school) they truly will only ever be "small fish in a big pond", and as a result form Tent City in an attempt to molest and caudal underaged women from the small pond they originated from because they can't get any new ones. All while drinking copious amounts alcohol in an attempt to boost confidence and moral and also forget about the size of their microscopic penises.

"Went to pick my sister up from South Lake and heard some freshman talking about Tent City...4!"
"Damn man thats a shame, I thought those kids would have accepted they hit their peak by now."

by TRex69 April 18, 2014

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