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When a person goes on a tangent on one specific topic(event,saying, memory,etc.)

Then is targeted by a person(memeoholic) who drops a tons of different memes on that person to drive them crazy or laugh hysterically.

Nick(God's messenger): I hate the walnuts in Chex Mix, we should make it with none!
Tony : Time to fire up the Meme generator

Mr. Beans: Here comes the memeoholic!

by TVCAR112 December 20, 2023


A person who is constantly asking, Who? (Like an Owl), what?,where?,when? and how?
When you converse with a gentleman like this he's always has "SO MANY" questions

TONY : Last night I was out with my bitch and God damn we not didn't just paint the town red! We also pianted that mofo* white and blue!
Ga'nickoche: Damn bro! I have have soooo many questions ?

by TVCAR112 April 28, 2023


They are the socks they give you with traction rubber straps on them. when you go to a hospital detox after they take your shoes, so you don't use the laces to hang yourself or strangle someone.

Check out these awesome. Yellow d-sox I got from my detoxing from mainluning black tar

by TVCAR112 September 24, 2023


The hobby of reviewing ever place you step foot in on Google Maps.

A practice mastered through the art of not sleeping and bein' so bored.

The review may be good, bad, indifferent, business help/hurt , ect.

Your reviews then make you something of a "helpful person" to all the jerks that live around yinz.

Last night I couldn't sleep and nothing was on the tube so, I went on Google maps to go G-mapping the local restaurants I've dined at.

by TVCAR112 January 17, 2025

Tree Shaker

A. When you have a gator on the line tied to a swamp tree it will shake it trying to get free
B. When a obese person tries to ride a rope swing tied to an old apple tree.

Bayou bandit: "looks like we's gots a gator on da line! and it's a real tree shaker!"

Jimbo: "HOSS gettin' on dat swing!! "
"DAMN! He's a gonna bees a real a tree shaker!"

by TVCAR112 January 2, 2025

Forest Walking

This is a term used by dimwitted urbanites I've spoken with to describe the activity most people call "hiking ".

Tony : Me and my girl went camping up to the mountains the past weekend camping for 2 days

AJ: Did you guys do any forest walking?
Tony: ahhh, do you mean hiking? If so then yes.
AJ : oh yeah, I think that's what it's called!
Tony: yeah, it is. DUMBASS

by TVCAR112 March 28, 2024

Throwin' Racks

The act of throwing a plethora of cash at a college student swing from a pole.
These women are often scantily clothed and sometimes full nude.
Quite an interesting activity for inebriated young males.

Slick : "Me and my m'f boy scored some cash so we hit the titty bar and we're throwin' racks like gangbangers!"
Bro: cool

by TVCAR112 January 20, 2025