A television crime/drama centered around the personal and professional lives of members of the NCIS Office of Special Projects. The main characters include G Callen, the Russian-speaking Special Agent in Charge who was once a foster child, former Navy SEAL Special Agent Sam Hanna, pretty but tough Special Agent Kensi Blye and LAPD liason Detective Martin Deeks. Supporting characters are the team's boss, Hetty Lange, techies Eric and Nell and psychologist Nate. The show is a spinoff of the original Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and it was introduced in the NCIS two part episode 'Legend'. The OSP team is close they are shown to be good friends outside of work. Kensi and Callen are very close and there is a lot of sexual tension between them, much like Tony and Ziva from NCIS. There is also a semi-romantic relationship between Detective Deeks and Agent Blye, as they are shown to have a constant banter, sometimes with sexual overtones.
Robert: Wow, I started watching NCIS: Los Angeles last night. For a spinoff, it's pretty good.
Mandy: Wow, really? I heard they ripped off NCIS.
Robert: Not really. The characters are pretty different.
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