Note well, an Important Note, take notice.
Nota bene is a Latin phrase, often used after a paragraph to give an extra importance to a particular idea or thought.
Also could be written as: NB
" ________________
_______ _______
___________ ___ Bla Bla Bla "
N.B. this applies to yearly members only.
277👍 108👎
Affectional, Passionate,Emotional, Sentimental !
Considered an offensive derogatory term when said to a guy.
Within the context, it could be used as a compliment when said to chicks.
N.B. when referring to a single person the letter "S" is omitted.
Women are APES.
Omar didn't leave his house crying for a week when Sarah dumped him, such a sissy APE!
Zak enjoys watching Grey's Anatomy, and his Favorite TV show is Alias, what an APE!
Nadia has PMS and just got fired, imagine how much of a moody APE she could be right now!
My girlfriend cried for an hour after we watched Griffin & Phoenix, She's the cutest APE in the world!
21👍 14👎