When you are really mad you say this usually before grounding someone.
Boris: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Caillou!. how dare you eat my banana, that's it!. You are grounded for 13248734289341298790124820139802349098329806720986732579843279473798654986257498354 years!. Go to bed right freaking now!.
A fictional biological weapon with a really questionable name from the game: "The Sniper 2" that makes the victim exposed to it fall ill and suffer physiological breakdown within ten days.
Harry Spencer: Tacklmacain, a secret biological weapon developed somewhere in America that makes the victim fall ill and suffer a physiological breakdown within ten days.
Stanley: Damn son, that's pretty crazy yo!... but... what's with that wack ass name dawg?.
Harry Spencer: ...