The Puffel is an animal that is a common delicacy among penguins, usually in the form of pizza. The Puffel is a very similar creature to the Puffle, with the only differences being that the Puffel doesn't mentally feel like an animal, and that the Puffel usually has a more hurt expression then most Puffles. The only way that Puffels can feel true joy, is by committing cannibalism, and eating food made from other Puffels.
Puffel pizza, Snork's ruined the last of your defense with that pun, puffel pizza.
The Puffel is an animal that is a common delicacy among penguins, usually in the form of pizza. The Puffel is a very similar creature to the Puffle, with the only differences being that the Puffel doesn't mentally feel like an animal, and that the Puffel usually has a more hurt expression then most Puffles. The only way that Puffels can feel true joy, committing cannibalism, and eating food made of other Puffels
Puffel pizza, Snork's ruined the last of your defense with that pun, puffel pizza.