A soccer shot hit from distance with unbelievable power and accuracy
Craig-Did ye see that Rooney cunts goal last night?
Archie-Na, any guid?
Craig-Aye wiz it, fucking wonder wallop fae aboot 40 yards.
Archie-Braw stuff
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A scottish word meaning mate or pal
Craig-Awrite cunto,Get up to much last night?
Archie-Na, just sat in and watched karate kid
Craig-The auld wan or the wan wae Wullie Smiths son in it?
Archie-The auld wan mate
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The art of shaving off all pubic hair
Craig-Did you blast that wee burd last night?
Archie-Course I did ya fucking mad man
Craig-Any good?
Archie-She was shaved to the bone and took it up the dump valve.
Craig-Hahahaha, I'll take that as an aye then?
Archie-Aye pal, she was a braw shag
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