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Tangs is a slang word referring to a specific object of desire/importance/neccesity. The word is not neccesarily used to indicate a wanting of more than one object, that is, it is not neccesarily considered 'plural' in certain context. The phrase "gimmie' dem'" is most typically uttered before this word resulting in the sentence "Gimmie' dem' Tangs". This is not a command of sorts, that is, it is meant to be fulfilled, but the phrase it only spoken among a group of guys chillin waiting for ladies.
-Tangs is typically used to describe an object that is the facilitator of a soon-to-be pleasureable/beneficial event in which all parties involved with the owner of the tangs partake.

(5 prime choice steaks are god damn ready to be flipped but the spatchula is next to a friend of the grill master across the room
Grill Master(semi-yells):"Gimmie Dem Taangss"
(As he throws):
Friend:Giimmie demm

Your friends are chillin and one of you had bud:
Friend #1: eyy! gimmie dem tangs
Friend #2: Gimmie dem
Friend #3 aaallright

by Tangsnorth January 3, 2009

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