A elite team of 5 Spartan IIIâs and 1 Spartan II. The story follows Carter, Kat, Emilie, Jun, Jorge, and the player himself, known as Noble 6. Noble team is featured in Halo: Reach, arguably the 2nd best story of all the Halo games. Noble team is set on Planet reach to defend against a winter contingency. All but one Spartan survives the fall of reach.
Person 1: Hey, have you heard of the best team in any video game ever?
Person 2: Fireteam Oâsirius?
Person 1: NO YOU IDIOT. Noble team.
A special kind of specimen who specifically devote their lives to following a certain god known as Pewdiepie. As part of their cult, you must spam other channels with cringey comments carrying their lordâs message and also supporting Pewdiepie through thick and thin.
Person 1- Hey, do you watch Pewdiepie?
Person 2-Hell yeah I do, Iâm part of the 9 year old army
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