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rock tease

A person (generally a man) who will dangle the prospect of marriage in front of another person as a carrot to selfishly get what they want. The etymology comes from the word "rock" as a colloquial for a diamond, which are usually synomymous with wedding rings.

Philanderers may be rock teases and vice versa, but they are distinctly separate. One can be a rock tease without being a philanderer. This happens when both people love each other, but are unable or unwillign to commit themselves to marriage. And philanderers may not need to dangle the carrot of marriage in front of the other person.

Steph: Kate and Jo have been together for a while. They're serious now, and she expects him to propose pretty soon.

Jenny: Nope. Not going to happen. He's such a rock tease.

by TateSS March 13, 2008

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