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Emma Watson

A British Actress who was only good at playing Hermione in the first movie but then got really big headed and egotistic about herself and her fashion (which she has none).

Also known as; a girl who is very ungrateful for her once-in-a-life-time privledge to work with amazing actors.*

*You have probably heard this from a lot of different people online but, I actually know Emma. She's nice to her friends, not always nice to her fans, but in general she's a really nice girl (but not particularly bright....we had the same English teacher).

Shanie:"You know which actress I HATE?"
Lizz:"Uh...that Emma Watson girl?"
Shanie:"You guessed it! How did you know?"
Lizz:"Oh...everyone hates her. Well...exept those stupid 12 year olds and horny 17 year old guys."

by Tayam November 15, 2006

688👍 619👎

Tom Felton

A really HOT guy...yum.

Best known for his role in Harry Potter as Draco.

Lizz:"Did you see the Chamber of Secrets?"
White girl:"Yeah...it sucked."
Lizz:"Yeah....well Tom Felton was HOT"
White girl from above, only this time pretending to be black:"TRU DAT!!!"

by Tayam November 15, 2006

760👍 263👎