Source Code

San Francisco handiwipe

Upon withdrawing the penis during anal sex, a double kidney punch is delivered, causing the sphincter to tighten and clean the feces off of the penis.

I was banging Jack and finished off with a San Francisco handiwipe.

by TeamCook January 3, 2020


A cool ass mom who will bail you out off horrible social situations.

Upon finding out my date’s survival bag consisted of baby carrots and a Bible I went to Wing-mom for the “you have to go home now” bail out

by TeamCook March 28, 2019


A cool ass mom who will bail you out off horrible social situations.

Upon finding out my date’s survival bag consisted of baby carrots and a Bible I went to Wing-mom for the “you have to go home now” bail out

by TeamCook March 28, 2019

...and go

Term used by lazy douche bags at the end of a post in group, usually because they’re too lazy to look shit up for themselves.

Cauliflower soup recipes? ...and go

by TeamCook July 10, 2018

Sail boating

The act of farting against the scrotum during Anal sex, turning it into a spinnaker sail.

After a delicious taco Tuesday meal, she took me sail boating

by TeamCook January 21, 2019


1. An act of malicious compliance that screws over your co workers

2. The act of contaminating community food with your fingers or a licked spoon

This job just got grubered

That pickle jar has been grubered

by TeamCook April 7, 2021

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