Teenagers who either make up their own drama inside of their head, or actually go through tough times, resulting in:
1: "Nobody understands me..."
2: "What's the point in life? F*ck it, I'm just going to do whatever the hell I want..."
3: "Everything sucks"
Or, in extreme cases:
4: "I'm not going to grow up. I'm going to keep listening to my music and living in my self-created darkness and twisted dreams because the real world is a steaming pile of bullsh!t."
5: "Because I don't give a f*ck, I'm going to live MY life the way I f*cking want to, and not give a damn about anything else but being free, wild, and having fun, and there's no way in HELL that anyone's going to stop me from making those choices, no matter the outcome. I will be free."
"I'm going to be free from all of this bull, and live out my dark and crazy dreams without anyone to stop me from living the way I want to." ....Honey, that's called teen angst.
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