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hum my rod

Another term for "suck my dick".

{Joe & Josh are at the baseball stadium; Joe has the "cheap seats"}

Josh: Hey Joe, how's the weather up in the nosebleed section?
Joe: HUM MY ROD Josh!!!

by Telephony June 21, 2011

27👍 2👎


Effort, worry, or difficulty; bother.

Botheration! We still don't know who killed Ms. Hartt by bashing her head in with that big-ass lamp. My money though is on that fucking faggoty limp-wristed choreographer!

by Telephony April 20, 2018

6👍 2👎


\PIS'kan\ (n.) A somewhat vulgar slang term for a wall-mounted porcelain urinal.

Hey, I need to use the f'ing pisscan before we leave!!!

by Telephony March 10, 2012

29👍 5👎


How John Bush (at the time the singer for Anthrax pronounced the word, "driven" in the song, "Packaged Rebellion".
He also pronounced the word, "influence" as, "influencef".

♪ I don't want to how you're so drivenf ♪
♪ I don't want to know your influencef ♪
♪ I don't need to prove myself ♪
♪ I just need to be myself ♪
♪ It doesn't show how I'm trying to be ♪
♪ It just shows who I am ♪

by Telephony March 25, 2017


A female version of a fartknocker or a buttknocker.

While I was flying the drone, I "heard" a jingle for Bob's Discount Furniture but with altered lyrics.
To wit:

♪ Bob's Bob-O-Pedics ♪
♪ From your åšs#Ø£€ to your ṕ€nµs ♪
♪ Some doucheknocker neutralised a hat!!! ♪
{~850ms silence}
♪ Bob's Bob-O-Pedics! ♪

by Telephony January 24, 2021

The aTRUMPinator

Very similar to The Assassinator -- some very intelligent person (***NOT*** a true-blue total asshaberdasher!) who assassinates President-Elect Donald Trump.

The aTRUMPinator was on the prowl for Trump not far from the Trump Tower in New York (which was firebombed the other day) looking to assassinate the asshole before he took the Oath of Office.

by Telephony December 12, 2016

pissinary tract

Means the same thing as "urinary tract".

Taking about the pissinary tract
Is something we all should do with tact!

by Telephony December 22, 2011

41👍 2👎