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Batman Returns

is a 1992 action film directed by Tim Burton and a sequel to 1989's Batman. It starred Michael Keaton, Danny Devito, Michelle Pfeiffer & Christopher Walken.

The plot is about a corrupt Gotham businessman Max Shreck (Walken) and the phychotic Penguin (midget Devito) plotting to take control of Gotham city, while the introduction of the tormented and sexually frustrated Selina Kyle and her transformation into Catwoman, Batman must fight both while controlling his urges of lust.

It is a mystery to if the Penguin was a virgin, the most common idea is he may have had relations with the penguins in the sewer.

Batman Returns was a finacial sucess despite it's more dark gothic style, It
became fashionable in the early 90's to wear batman shirts.

by Telko October 13, 2008

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