A bottom feeder, a tag along, a person riding on the coat tails of someone to get where they are trying to go. A person looking for a free ride, the easy way out. In some cases a mooch. A person looking for a meal ticket, and a Liar.
Suzie got an inheritance, shortly after Johnny started dating Suzie. Suzie spent a ton of money on Johnny buying new clothes, big screen tv's, a new truck for Johnny, and a beautiful condo for her and Johnny to live in. Johnny swore he loved her. Suzie put the truck in Johnny's name because she too loved Johnny. Suzie soon realized that all of her money had been spent. Johnny then broke up with Suzie, took the truck, the tv's, the clothes, and never looked back. Suzie is now broke, and broken hearted. Shame on Johnny, he was just "cat fishing".
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