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the jf way

3 words that are the school moto of John Flamsteed Community School: Ambitious, Committed, Proud. It’s ways that u can show these 3 qualities ina nod out of school, and is plastered on posters all around my school. (John Flamsteed) Ripely Academy (John Flamsteed’s partner school) has the Ripley Way, which is literally the same thing but just for their school.

Nobody follows these rules/qualities tho, we’re all just assholes ✌️

The Jf Way xxxxxx

by Tessla_xtlgx_03 September 18, 2023


My nickname (lolllll) bc my first name is Tess (so it makes sense) Now, seein as you searched this up, I might as well give u some actual advice u can use.
If you fall asleep now, you will dream. If you study now and work hard, you will achieve your dream.

It only takes boys 8.2 secs to fall in love, but it takes girls at least 15 mins( lmao, bc this fact is actually true AF)

There are more Lego minufigures than actual people (hahahahahaha)
99% get this question wrong.

7+7 divided by 7+7x7-7
How sad…
You only get approx 2555 days to be a teen. Around 364 of those are Saturdays so live ur life!!!

Anywayssss that’s abt it from me. I love you, the word is a better place with you in it, and I supposed you, whoever you are (do long as u don’t do illegal stuff t, do drugs, get drunk loads, or hurt others) I hope u have a bril life, and that ur crush (if you have one) likes u back and asks u out. I hope u get high grades ina lol ur tests and, most of all…I hope you’re happy and loved. Well ofc ur loved bc I love u!
Peace to the world! Luv y’all


“Aww, that’s sweet. Do u have any nicknames?”
“Tessla. That’s pretty much it.”
“OMFG that’s so cute, can I call u that?”
“Ofc that’s why it’s my nickname, so u can use it.”
“Tyyy girly!”

by Tessla_xtlgx_03 September 18, 2023

John Flamsteed

A school is Denby, Derbyshire. As of 2023 (these r my personal ops btw) the best TA is defo Mrs Cortez-Lopez (she’s Guatemalan). Best teacher??? Hmmm…
Male:Mr Scott-Blore. He teaches computing, is a total ginger, and just really good at his job. Very fun/not boring when he teaches. Also, I’m one of his fave students so… 😁😁
Female:Miss Faulding (Maths) or Miss Grace (English) Miss Faulding was my head of year when I was in year 7. She’s amazing. Really sweet and you could trust her with any problem. Miss Grace was my Year 7 English teacher, and, because I’m aiming for a career involving English like journalism or writing (she didn’t know that but I seriously showed it in her lessons she was really supportive. Also, just very down to Earth, and friendly. She makes class really fun as wel, so we actually remember what we’re being taught.

So Yh. If u fancy coming to JFCS (the last 2 letters stand for community school, and if u can’t guess the first two, then don’t come here. We don’t teach dum@asses) then consider it. It’s good, as far as secondary schools go. Ryan for reading, I’ve got school today. Double history with a new teacher who’s supposed to be sh!t. Lord have mercy. Luv y’all! Oh and, if u were wondering, John Flamsteed was an astronomer from Derbyshire. Specifically Denby. So the school (and surrounding areas) are named after him: have links to his name.

Have great day (or better ones than me!)

“I go to John Flamsteed Community School!”

“Oh what’s it like there?”
“Ok, it’s not clean. No secondary school is. There are flaws. But we always work hard to fix them. The level of education is great. Lessons and their structures, are all edited constantly to improve the understanding of certain topics. Google us.”
“I will do”
“That’s great! Have an amazing day you lovely human being!

by Tessla_xtlgx_03 September 15, 2023

Gazza x

One of my nicknames. Thats abt it tbh. But seeing as u put in the effort to look smth up on the urban dictionary, I might as well give u some useful advice.

Even if 99% of the world think ur ugly, it means 75 million find u attractive (idk if the math is accurate but imma go with it)

You only get like 2555 days aprox to be a teen so acc live ur life! Plzzz!

If ur ex ever calls u anything rude (e.g a b!tch) say you've been called worse. If they ask what, you say ‘ur gf/bf’ Leaves them lost for words every time lol

The world is a better place with u in it. I rlly hope ur crush (if u have one) likes u back/asks u out soon! I hope u get rlly high scores on upcoming tests or competitions and/or a PB (personal best) I hope u avoid any bad situations, and that good karma is coming ur way. I get so much negative energy sent my way all the time, which makes my days pretty bad, but I hope ur days are anything but bad.
Believe in urself bc I’m a random person who knows u can do extraordinary things.


Hey whats ur name
Any nicknames?
Umm..Tessla and Gazza x
Oh my god they’re so cute imma call u them if thats alr?
Ofc md!

Luv y’all xoxo

by Tessla_xtlgx_03 October 5, 2023

One of us is lying

My favourite book, first part of a trilogy.
There’s this book, followed by One Of Us Is Next, and, finally, One Of Us Is Back. Honestly, if you are in the older years of secondary school/sixth form or (in America) high school, this book is really relatable. Even though it’s a murder novel, there’s romance and day-to-day social situations that I relate to. In fact, you can probably relate to at least one of these character descriptions.

These are the main four characters in the first book:
Bronwyn:High-achiever, feeels like she had a reputation to uphold, but is willing to put it all on the line when she reconnects a boy from her middle school (the book is American), Nate Macauley. Her journey is about finding a balance between being ambitious, and the people she loves, whilst also coming to terms with the fact that she isn’t perfect. Furthermore, she learns to trust her gut instinct more as she takes risks with Nate, and, ultimately, with herself.

Addy (Adelaide):The blonde, popular girl everyone envies. Beautiful, liked and the girlfriend to one of the schools best looking boys, Jake Riordan. Perfect family, perfect social group, perfect boyfriend. Or not. The glue holding her perfect life together, is actually the thing that’s stopping her from reaching her full potential. Addy’s journey is about finding yourself, choosing your own skin and feeling good in it. Scrapping the cliche for who you are.

Cooper-The schools best baseball player.Pretty, girlfriend (Keely)and a great social life.Except that’s not Cooper at all and he knows it. But, if he tells the world who he really is he’ll be forgotten. Keely will hate him (probably forever) and worst of all, so will his Dad. He’ll stop being the‘perfect, talented son’ and become just ‘the son’ But,Cooper knows he can’t stay in the closet forever. He must come out.Will he lose it all…? (I’m not saying)Cooper’s story, is about being comfortable.And loving yourself for who you truly are.

Nate-Your typical drug-dealing, bad boy with a motorbike. Except he’s not your typical lad at all. His dad is an alcoholic. He has been for almost all of Nate’s childhood. And his coke-addict of a Mom…she’s not here. She’s probably dead. Despite these huge dents in his otherwise normal ‘bad-boy’ teenage life, Brownyn can’t seem to take her eyes off him. And, Nate finds himself staring back. His story is about gaining self-esteem. Knowing that you are enough for whatever you choose. Even if that choice is the discreetly gorgeous A* student, who’s probably out of your league.

Can Nate learn that he is enough for himself? And for a girl, that isn’t just a one-night stand?

Can you relate? If you can, even a bit, I would recommend reading this.
Karen McManus blessed us with her works.. Now that you’ve heard about thsi:


A geek. A jock. A criminal. A princess.
A murder in detention.

And, just note, One of us is lying…

by Tessla_xtlgx_03 September 15, 2023