Source Code

28th Amendment

The 28th amendment of the US Constitution, added on Feb 3rd, 2019, stating that any person with the name Gabby (or any variant) is legally barred from busing tables, rolling/bringing silverware, cleaning, sweeping, or any similar restaurant based manual labor when anyone named Connor is also working. The Supreme Court ruled this type of bar, known as an “I’m not gonna let you work hard” bar, legal in Iorizzo v. Broken Bread Machine (2006).

Gabby: what are you doing?
Connor: your job
Gabby:*tries to help*
Police: you’re under arrest for violating the 28th amendment, comply and come with us or give us some bread with the garlic dip but either way stop working

by ThankGodTheBreadMachineIsFixed February 4, 2019