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Acronym for: Bad Asser Than Hell

Son, that chili Will made on Sunday was BATH.

by Thanus September 16, 2007

25👍 48👎


A once thriving grocery store chain in the midwest called Sunshine. Since changing ownership multiple times they are now run down and dirty.

Hey Scotty I'm going to Slumshine to get a forty and a pound of hamburger, need anything?

by Thanus July 5, 2006

Squeeze The Lemon

The art of accelerating through a yellow light in the hopes of making the light. This practice often results in getting pinched by red light cams and horrific wrecks.

Hey Jeff, I squeeze the lemon at the I29 and Benson intersection whenever possible cuz that light takes fo eva.

by Thanus July 24, 2008

46👍 83👎