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spank me daddy

A word that is used in sex. (Usually) The female gender usually used the term.

Spank me daddy! Oh yeah is that all you got HARDER!

by ThatDankMemeGuy March 11, 2016

105👍 22👎


Because typing out an entire word describing something is just was to hard. There fore people use the lazy thing and describe things with tiny pictures.

You: Emoji's are awesome I can type in pictures instead of explaining things with words, I love being lazy!
Me: SHUT UP!!!ಥ_ಥ

by ThatDankMemeGuy March 11, 2016

37👍 15👎

Dank Meme

Racist obnoxious and oblivious memes that are found basically everywhere considering the fact that memes already took over the world.

Holy shit, that dank meme was fucking insane!!!!

by ThatDankMemeGuy March 11, 2016

4👍 9👎