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Stands of Dumb A$$

My grandma had my mom under contact as D.A crissy wissy

by ThatGurlSata May 24, 2023

Hearing Voices

When a depressive emotional person who has been through a lot now has to hear "things" that sometimes sound like actual humans or things that are based on negativity and is only heard by "THEM" (person with the condition)

- Assata N'finitee Oakes

aka , Just know you not alone

This girl came up to me in high school as her friend telling me what she "thought" she heard people saying about her going crazy whole time she hearing voices.

One day her momma cooked some breakfast and she ate it after taking a short break from virtual school. She "thought" she heard her dad say " hurry up and eat so you can go back to class" then later that day she ACTUALLY SAID "you got time to eat but you ain't got time to wash these dishes". What she heard, she did not make up for the benefit of her health she ACTUALLY HEARD THAT it just wasn't her parents, but it sounded like so though but she was the only one to hear what she heard because she's the one with the condition.

by ThatGurlSata March 20, 2023

Hearing Voices

A voice that appears when a person has gone through so much pain and trauma they have to hear things said by non-humans on a daily basis sometimes all day long. Hearing voices is explanatory it is as it sounds but it's not a good thing to hear. HE double-hockey sticks. They may hear them when they are by themeself or don't have there focus on anything else like a tv, phone, or family gathering or function

My parents didnt believe my when I said I was hearing voices she told me that real people actually said that and I told her one night my parents had there door closed and I was thinking in my head that my mom didn't put enough chicken on my plate and they said be grateful that you even have chicken and like the human being I am because nobody can physically control me I went to go get one more piece of chicken and my dad said well I don't know about that one. I AM ACTUALLY HEARING VOICES

by ThatGurlSata May 24, 2023

Hearing Voices

A mental disability when a depressive person who has been through bad things in the past and is very emotional now has to live with "hearing things" that sound like actual humans or things that nobody hears BUT THEM Assata N'finitee Oakes - You're welcome, Just know you're not alone.

This girl in highschool came up to me as her friend telling me what she thought people was saying to her going crazy whole time she was hearing voices.

Her momma fixed breakfast and since she virtual, she took her a lil break and ate. She "THOUGHT" her dad said hurry up and eat so you can go back to class". But later that day her dad ACTUALLY SAID " you got time to eat but you aint got time to wash them dishes". The voices tried to set her up, that wasn't her actual parents she heard it was the voices and sometimes it sound like your family members or real people, and whole time its not. The majority of the time is based on negativity.

by ThatGurlSata March 20, 2023