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Brooklyn - where do we start. There have been allegations of her having stds , after reading this definition I’ll let you be a judge of that . Brooklyn Has a weird thing for licking hobos, Infact she’s been seen in the woods near her house mingling with the hobos. Her laugh is comparable to a donkey on helium , expect some tears. One of her favourite pass times includes some questionable acts including seeds while inside an airplane bathroom- I’ll leave it at that 😳Some of her best insults include calling others “Taylor swift wannabes” , or “Jake Paul wannabes “ be aware as she will steal your mommy and daddy. One of her nicknames is “daddy’s little angel” other nicknames include “the shankstress “ after one of her old flames- Shanky . She has been seen drinking an unhealthy amount of tea- some have said vomit inducing . Brooklyn’s tend to be quite clumsy, we recommend wrapping them in bubble wrap. Brooklyn’s just some stupid vegetarian . Oh yeah and did we mention she’s gay?

“Some random person was tapping on my windows last night” “was probably Brooklyn”

by Thatscottishogregirl September 19, 2020