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A James is a pessimistic sneering curmudgeon of a man, often found making cutting remarks about the popular choices of his peers in an echo chamber of his own narcissism

A James can be caring, loving, even altruistic at times but this is merely a veneer to a more irritable pedantic undercurrent that underpins his worldview. A James is loathe to find themselves among the credulous masses, posting old pictures to social media or worse still, posting falsified hyperbolic definitions of their forenames

A James is stoic, unmoved by contemporary culture and a bastion for the virtues espoused by previous generations. They are most likely to be seen drinking sparkling water without irony and waxing lyrical about the smell of book pages. Do not approach a James without caution, their general acidity (physically, vocally, emotionally, mentally) is known to upset even the most unfaltering PH levels amongst biological sentients. They generally like order, they dislike waffles

He’s been a proper James about this today

by The Afatar November 23, 2021