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Some people are trysexual as their sexuality like Jojo who was a trysexual she would try anything sexual at least once

Jojo "Im trysexual il try anything sexual once
Callum "IҀ™m straight I only try woman"

by The Fairy Sesh Mother November 16, 2022


d; Descriptive word. Gingerism is a derogatory word used to describe someone who has ginger hair. If you call someone a ginger to slag them off for their hair colour, you are guilty of Gingerism.
Be kind to gingers.

Tam stopped Jo in the high street to point out a red head & said "look at that ginger guy, gingers have no soul." Tam was guilty of Gingerism.

Tam is a gingerphobe, hes guilty of gingerism.

by The Fairy Sesh Mother May 11, 2019

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n, Bedwood is a noun used to describe the hard on a man randomly gets when he is lying in bed at 4am trying to get to sleep. Unable to sleep due to having bedwood, a man must seek a solution...

Craig lay in bed at 4am with bedwood;

Craig: Jojo I have bedwood I can't sleep!

Jojo: Crack open the wank bank, you'll be asleep in no time!

by The Fairy Sesh Mother November 15, 2020

Cock sneeze

a, an adjective to describe a man who is a bit of a dick. The kinda guy who you want to slap good looking but it would take too much time. He is a cock sneeze.

Julie "John your such a cock sneeze!"

John "yeah Julie i know..."

by The Fairy Sesh Mother August 16, 2022

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Cock sneeze

A phrase used to describe a complete fucking dickhead

Peter was an absolute cock sneeze of a man his wife divorced him

by The Fairy Sesh Mother August 16, 2022

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Crunchy Fridges

v, a phrase used to describe a level of hunger which has reached the stage of having the urge to eat the actual fridge as well as it's contents.

A completely overwhelming hunger unlike any other which can't be satisfied with food alone.

When you need that bit of extra iron in your diet.

Benny "I'm beyond starving! I could eat the whole fridge!"

Jack "Remember it might be hard to chew"

Jo "Benny, are you eating Crunchy Fridges?"

by The Fairy Sesh Mother October 23, 2019

Corona Cock

n, Noun used to describe the shrivelled up, unused cock most men have due to social isolation during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Steve: I have Corona Cock, I can't get sex for 12 weeks!

John: I have Corona Cock too mate, I'm ripping the head off it!

Steve: You & me both!

by The Fairy Sesh Mother March 29, 2020

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