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Makes Out Witchoo

A very short phrase that can be substituted for getting into a session of passionately kissing someone.
This may be seen in online chat rooms when a couple hooks up on there and are pretending to make out.

Screenname 1: oh yea i luv u
Screenname 2: makes out witchoo

by The Kentucky Yankee August 14, 2004

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Another derogatory nickname for a Democrat, especially a liberal. It is a contraction of Democrat (first half) and hypocrites (second half). This is used based on the fact that most Democrats are a bunch of two-faced hypocrites who only defend certain positions and stand up for certain groups of people.

-Claim to be against corporations and hate big business, but many of them have their own (ex. John Kerry has Heinz).
-Say they're not racists but grill black, Asian, and Hispanics people when they are part of the Republican Party. (ex. Condoleeza Rice being called "Aunt Jemima".)
-Declare themselves to fight for racial equality when in reality they get "special" and extra rights for specific racial and ethnic minorities (which puts them above everyone else because it breaks the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution), while rarely giving anything to Native Americans.
-Hate and try to ban Christianity while sticking up for other "oppressed" religions like Judiasm and Islam.
-Blame Bush for all the deaths and tragedies in Iraq and calling him a warmonger, when presidents like Wilson, Truman, and LBJ (Lyndon B. Johnson) got us into most of the wars during the 20th Century.

Editors, don't delete this just because you don't agree with it.

The Kentucky Yankee: Bringing you numerous definitions about politics and those involved in them since August 2004.

by The Kentucky Yankee October 3, 2005

79πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

Yo mama joke

Here's a nice one.........
Yo mama so stupid that she held a bonfire at a shell gas station.

I personally think that's pretty funny.

by The Kentucky Yankee July 10, 2005

133πŸ‘ 135πŸ‘Ž

Country Music

Terrible, terrible music made for Southern rednecks and other idiots. This is probably the worst form of music on the planet, ranking up there with raggae and Southern Rock. My mom loves it for some reason, i dont know HOW she does though.
Anyways, lots of country music is the same as Southern Rock: they all discuss loyalty to the South, driving ugly-ass pickup trucks, picking up redneck girls, romance between a redneck girl, some Southern woman leaving her man, and other crap dealing with tractors and occasionaly, America, which they are making look bad.

I heard that one country song where the moron lists of the states in the South.....yet he didnt mention Kentucky......my theory is correct, Kentucky isnt an actual part of the South!

by The Kentucky Yankee August 13, 2004

141πŸ‘ 139πŸ‘Ž

Duran Duran

Kick-ass 80s pop-rock band from Great Britain, that made it to the tops of the charts several times over with hits like "ordinary world", "hungry like the wolf", "new moon on monday", "I dont want your love", and "come undone". Their major run of success and music production lasted from 1981 to the early 90s, when they made a final, major commercial success album.

My favorite Duran Duran song is "Come Undone"

by The Kentucky Yankee October 25, 2004

399πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

Kentucky shoes

A sarcastic or lighthearted term for bare feet, or to go barefoot. This is derived from the stereotype that most Kentuckians are a bunch of hillbillies who go around barefoot, make moonshine, practice incest, etc.

Its really hard to walk on gravel when you're wearing Kentucky shoes.

by The Kentucky Yankee August 10, 2005

24πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


The people who inhabit the large northwest-European islands known as the British Isles. These are, without a doubt, one of the greatest ethnic groups of people in the entire world. The nation known as the United Kingdom (or Great Britain) use to own a great majority of the earth, with colonies in North America, Africa, Far East Asia, Australia, the Middle East, and subcontinent Asia (India).
In my opinion, the British are a wonderful people, with an awesome culture, beautiful women, the greatest accents, and some of the best bands in the world.

I love the British a lot. I'm very proud to be mostly of British heritage.

by The Kentucky Yankee April 22, 2005

395πŸ‘ 223πŸ‘Ž