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1. Noun. A blemish, fault, or ugly, or otherwise defective area or spot on a person, object, or place. Example: I have a scraggle (zit) on the left side of my face.

2. Verb. To make blemished, faulty, ugly, otherwise defective. Example: You've scraggled up that scar of yours even more by picking on it.

3. Verb. The action of squirming around on one's back on the floor, limbs a-flailing. Example: Parent: "Time to go brush your teeth, child" Child responds by scraggling around on the floor while screaming "I don't wanna!"

Common spelling variations: Scaraggle, scaraggly. scaragglin'.

Oh my you've got several scraggles on the left side of your face. What a scraggly cat you are!

by The Scaraggalor July 9, 2013