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li-bot-uh-mee noun, plural libotomies.
adjective, libotomized.

1. Listed in the DSMV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) as the after effect of liberal radicalization.
2. the act of joining any supremacist organization (such as Antifa, BLM, Islam, KKK, or the DNC.)

I’m sorry, but trying to go through life with a libotomy just doesn’t work for me.
He was libotomized immediately after joining Antifa, converted to Islam, and refused to stand for the national anthem from that moment forward.

by The Trump Advisor November 4, 2017

9👍 1👎


Nancy Dumbass Pelosi

Nancy Dumbass Pelosi (NDP) believes a wall (of glass around sharks at an aquarium) is immoral.

by The Trump Advisor January 13, 2019

2👍 4👎