A Mexican vulgarity that describes an extremely large quantity or intensity. A concatenation of chingo ("a lot"), puta ("whore") and madre ("mother") with suffix "-al".
"Tengo un chingoputamadral de chamba wey." (I've got hella work to do dude)
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(Mexico) (Vulgar) Fucking loads of (a large amount of), fucking too much (excessively).
Derives from "chingo" (large amount) and "madre" (mother). Madre, as a Mexican offensive placeholder, is appended to the already vulgar "chingo" to add strength to the statement.
Me costó un chingomadral. = it cost me fucking too much.
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(Chilean profanity, from verb culiar, "to fuck") Cunt,bitch. Literally "fucked" when talking of a woman. Male equivalent is "culiao"
"La vieja culiá." The old cunt.
French slang for masturbation.
1. (Vulgar) Wank, ham shank, hand shandy (act of masturbation).
2. (Vulgar) Crap, bullshit (worthless thing or activity)
3. (Vulgar) Crap, bullshit, wankery (dubious or too elaborated construct, in general intellectually).
Derives from "branler" (to wobble, te be unstanble, also in slang to wank).
Se taper une branlette = to pull one's wire, to have a ham shank
Lire des bouquins, c'est le la branlette = Reading books is a fucking waste of time.
La droite, la gauche, le libéralisme, le communisme, c'est de la branlette tout ça ! = Right, left, free market economy, communism, that's all bullshit.
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(Occitant regions of France) (Vulgar) To shift (defecate). Mostly in Occitan regions.
Tu me fais caguer = You're a pain in the ass.
Va caguer gros con ! = Piss off bastard.
1. (France) (Very vulgar) Related to deceit, racket, fraud.
2. (France) (Very vulgar) Sodomitic, relative to sodomy.
Derives from "enculer" (to bugger, to con).
La compagnie des eaux pratique des tarifs enculatoires. = The Water Company has way too excessive fares.
MÅurs enculatoires = Sodomitic practices.
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Literally "fuck your race" in French. Translates as "fuck off" or "fuck you". Suburbian slang used to offensively send away or address refusal. It is sometimes considered as a racist expression because of the word "race", but its presence in slang expressions has become merely climactic (like "mère", mother).
Tu veux que j'aillle le balancer aux flics? Nique ta race bâtard! = You want me to rat him out to the cops? Fuck you bastard!
Qu'est-ce que tu fous là ? Va niquer ta race! = What the fuck are you doing here. Fuck off!
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