George W. Bush- a short, pompous, incompetent, unintelligent bastard who has neither public speaking skills nor debating skills and would not know U.S. domestic and especially, FOREIGN policy if it crawled up his ass and took refuge there. The stupid fuck started by using the Bush family name to get his sorry ass into Yale where he maintained a healthy 2.nothing GPA. He also took initiative to become a member of Yale's most exclusive society "the Skull and Bones society," a club where all of Yale's druggies and alcoholics can come together, bullshit, and get inebriated out of coherence. After graduating somewhere near the bottom of his class, W left Yale with a sense of pride, beginning to feel as if he should become a politician like his father in order to help the people of this great country. Of course, as the war in Vietnam unfolded a draft ensued. As this happened, Bush realized that this was his opportunity to help his country. And, as thousands of Americans (virtually all from the lower and middle class) who answered the call to serve their country, Bush suddenly had a "change of heart" and fled to Alabama with the help of his rich father. Later on, young W began to feel bad about dodging the draft so he enlisted in the Air Guard (to this day, I have never heard any reference made about the Air Guard and I do not know of any significant roles that the Air Guard has taken part in. In addition, I have never seen any commercials sponsored by the Air Guard, yet I see commercials sponsored by the National Guard on television all of the time-how peculiar). Then in 2000, (I skipped some stuff) Bush won the presidential election. Though Al Gore won the popular vote (and was actually announced as the winner by one channel), the Republican Party was able to throw out some of Florida's votes, which gave Bush the majority of the Electoral vote and, thus, giving him the win. Now to speed things up, I will make a list of all the things that Bush has caused/fucked up/done (wrong):
-9/11 attacks- Bush ignored a report from the CIA about the possibility of a terrorist attack that would possibly use commercial jets (He received this report on his desk somewhere between May and August of 2001 yet ignored it-the media new about the report yet kept quiet.
-Kyoto Protocol-put simply, he pulled out.
-Antiballistic Missile Treaty (between the U.S. and Russia)-he pulled out.
-Assault weapons ban-he did not renew it.
-The war in Iraq- Bush's reason for war was that he believed Iraq possessed WMD's (it is 2006; where are they?).
His two real reasons for war: (1) oil and (2) to finish what his father started. I will not say anymore about Iraq because there is too much to say.
-The U.S. economy-the stocks are dying and the prices of oil are killing us-Bush, on the other hand, is profiting from this because he owns an oil company, which also proves that he does not give a shit about the environment.
-Voting Rights Act (allows blacks to vote) spent a long time avoiding its renewal until late-July of 2006 (at this time, it was between 6 months and a year from expiration). Then, after renewing it, he began to brag about how he renewed it ahead of schedule.
-the balance of powers-Bush has been ranked at the top of the list of presidents with the most centralized power. He used this power in an attempt to create private military tribunals, which would have violated at least five of the first ten Amendments. Thank God that the Supreme Court overruled him, which proves that our government still has some officials with common sense.
-Wiretapping-Bush began abusing his power by tapping phone lines in order to listen in on people with the hope of "foiling terrorist plots within the United States."
-Violations of International Law-Bush has violated law on many occasions, including the war in Iraq. He bypassed the UN when they voiced their opposition against the idea of war in Iraq.
**future screw up***: Lebanon-As of today, Friday July 28, 2006, Bush wants to send troops into Lebanon to quell the fighting by Hezbollah who, according to Bush, âWant to destroy democracy and disrupt peace." Apparently, Bush does not understand two key concepts :( 1) our military is overextended and overused, thus, depleting our forces. (2) Going into Lebanon with the intention of supporting Israel will only cause more upheaval in the Arab world and trigger more hatred and, consequently, resistance and involvement by Islamic extremists out of their beliefs that Allah calls upon them to "take action and wage war against the infidel." This translates to more commitment by the U.S. and, sadly, the loss of more American soldiers.
To some it up, Bush is the worst president in U.S. history and America should be ASHAMED for re-electing him. Did you fools out there who voted for him actually think that giving him a second chance would allow him to right what he has wronged or are you just that senile or too stupid to face the facts. For those of you who didn't vote for Bush-Thank you. You have proven that at least some of the U.S. is still not completely ignorant or oblivious to what is going on in our government.
Eric: "Dude, American troops have invaded Lebanon and oil prices are up to $100 a barrel!"
Zach: "Really, well I think I know the cause-George W. Bush!"
George W. Bush is at falt for virtually all of America's problems.
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