A nick name that really bothers people named Chloe.
Guy: Hi, chlover, how are you today?
Chloe: Don't call me chlover.
A pocket of the hot variety.
A pocket that is hot.
Gosh, Batman, that is one hotpocket you got there.
An all-powerful being who possesses the ability to steal one's heart in an instant. Tread carefully around CHO-LEE as you do not want to disturb her ever-lasting vibes. One day CHO-LEE will accept her title and rise to power as our ruler here in this realm. People have described CHO-LEE as stunning or breathtaking, so be prepared if her presence ever blesses you.
Speaker: ALL HAIL CHO-LEE!!!
Person 1: Wow you're da bestestest
Person 2: Only bestestest? Not bestest?