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Small Dick Energy

What females say men have because they aren’t interested in dating a beached whale.

Fat chick: Want to grab a drink with me tonight? *eats big macs*
Man: No thank you, ma’am.

Fat chick: Wow you give off such small dick energy. You must be a virgin.

Man: Ma’am I’m here with my wife and kids, please leave us alone.

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 December 31, 2022

18👍 23👎

Small Dick Energy

What females who downvote UrbanDictionary posts that call them out say men have when they get turned down.

“Hey wanna take me out for dinner? *eats Big Mac*”
Sorry I’m still grieving the loss of my late wife.

“Wow you have small dick energy, your loss anyway *has heart attack*”

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 6, 2023

13👍 19👎

Coming out

A thing gay people do when they “don’t want to make a big deal out of it” but then get offended when everyone else doesn’t “make a big deal about it”, throw them a party, and begin praising them as if they are a God

“Mom, dad, I’m coming out”
Good for you, son.


by TheAlwaysCorrect1 December 31, 2022

10👍 14👎


An indirect statement to notify people around you that you are in the process of coming out of the closet

Congratulations sir, you won this rainbow underwear and low height boots.


by TheAlwaysCorrect1 April 21, 2023

2👍 9👎

Toys to not get your 5 year old in your shitty apartment complex

1. Train whistle
2. Drum set
3. Any toy that runs on batteries
4. Any toy that has a speaker

5. Things that make a noise any time it is moved
6. meth
7. Voice activated toys
8. Things that can be slammed closed
9. Things that provide the child with glucose
10. An electric guitar
11. Stuff that is made to scare them and make them yell
12. dildos
13. Stuff that can hardly touch them that they will claim hurts
14. Soldering iron
15. Sugar
16. Sucrose
17. Glucose
18. Rat poison
19. Basketball

20. Items 1-19

“Do you know stuff my son would like?”
No, but I can tell you all sorts of Toys to not get your 5 year old in your shitty apartment complex

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 November 4, 2022

9👍 6👎

The 666 Rule

The main thing women look for in a man. They will often deny this triad as it makes them look bad, though in reality, it’s the main premise they seek. You can have a guy who is a 1/10, but the triad will make them look like a 10.

Also known as the Three 6s to make them sound less satanic. The 666 triad is displayed by:
- 6 feet tall
- a 6 figure salary and
- 6 pack abs.

He’s ugly af but he meets the 666 rule so I’d rank him an automatic right swipe 10/10. Can’t wait to match and not work for the rest of my life.

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 August 26, 2022

29👍 30👎

Words can not describe

What females put at the beginning of a gay Facebook post, usually about their boyfriend, despite the fact that they then use words to continue to describe them.

“Words can not describe how much I love you, but —describes in 600 words how much she loves him—“

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 26, 2023

3👍 7👎