A crypto scam run by stalking losers
I got into Core bro so I could watch my neighbor take a shit
A hacking terrorist based out of the Ottawa area that provides hacking services in exchange for aid in running child sex and fentanyl trafficking operations throughout Canada
Yo guys, stay away from him, he'll hack you cause your black
what you mean the lil twig jayson there?
nah bro, hes too high on fenty
A blatant cryptocurrency scam created by incels and terrorists to steal from people
Did you see that Banana Gun trading bot?
No, I don't look at scams
The name of a hacking terrorist that is active in the Ottawa area
Stay away from that Nikita bitch dude
A strawberry for crack and fentanyl dealers
Yo, you see shani around?
I need to get my dick sucked for a 2 ball of crack
A group of child sex traffickers and fentanyl traffickers that run around Ottawa hacking people to escape their incelibacy
Person 1:Did you see that cracker Ryan in the Wheelchair of Jayson that goes by sharkteeth?
Person 2:No? Why?
Person 1:I wanted to make bands with the InCell Gang trafficking children, trafficking fentanyl, and hacking.
Person 2:Dude, your gross, wtf? get away from me