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When a person is so dumb that they make up dumb words and then post them on urban dictionary.

BannnaPerson is such a fuck-pid.

by TheAutisticHumanBeing January 25, 2019


An unpleasant location where people speak with an unnecessary amount of Southernisms.


by TheAutisticHumanBeing December 11, 2017


Something everybody has, but refuses to acknowledge.

Drug Addict 1: Yo duuuude did you know we have no freedom?!
Drug Addict 2: No waaaay duuuude heeeey man pass the weed that is totally not illegal in order to prevent us from becoming retarded bludging parasites to society.

by TheAutisticHumanBeing May 2, 2018


A person who lacks an appropriate reasoning skill that makes them incapable of differentiating a falsehood from reality.

Retard 1: The earth is flat.
Retard 2: Yea I believe that. Also I am not going to conduct any form of experiment to test whether what you said is true or false.

Retard 1: Homosexuality is ok.
Retard 2: Yes preventing society from reproducing is ok, and everybody should become homosexual so we can all die out before the next generation begins.

Retard: The media is pushing an agenda, so I am going to blindly believe that agenda.

Muslim Retard: The Quran instructs me to kill people who leave my religion, people who believe in a polytheistic religion, people who do not join my religion, people who believe in other single theistic religions like myself. Also since murder has been ingrained in my mind since birth, we should all probably start killing eachother in the middle east for no reason. This is the work of God salamalenko. Alah Huakbar. Jihad, we must struggle together brother. Here strap this vest on and go kill yourself, but you will also kill 50 other muslims, so it's ok.

by TheAutisticHumanBeing January 20, 2019

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A word that has been shortened and altered so much to the point that it is impossible to understand the message a person is trying to convey.

They ought to = They aughta (Southernised English)
Ayorta = They aughta (Southernism Southernism)
Let's go = Lego (Southernised)
With ya did ya = witch a ditch a (Southernised)

by TheAutisticHumanBeing December 11, 2017

13πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Sore Throat

1. A symptom caused primarily by the ingestion of sperm.

2. A thick lining of sperm that has solidified around the vocal cords of a woman. Men have a strong resistance to sore throat, however after many days of research, I have found that they are also capable of catching "Sore Throat".

by TheAutisticHumanBeing December 8, 2017

26πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Slept Like A Baby

A metaphor that literally means a person slept peacefully throughout the night.

Most people today do not know how to take care of babies, as a result their child wakes up every 2 hours, pissing and crying and have incorrectly interpreted the meaning of the expression to mean: "Slept like the hell spawn of Satan".

I say hell-spawn of Satan because only Satan could treat a child as badly as these people treat their own children. But fear not children of God, for the age of darkness will only last a short 1000 years.

Slept Like A Baby

by TheAutisticHumanBeing February 19, 2019

22πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž