What you see when you look down into the base of the toilet after a fierce session of fiery diarrhoea.
Man 1: Oh no! I didn't make it to the john in time! Now The Last Jedi is all over my kitchen floor...
136👍 27👎
Real name Malcolm McCormick,
a shitty wannabe white rapper from Pittsburgh who used to attend a private school which his celebrity dentist dad payed for, before willingly moving to the same public high school as Wiz Khalifa, another sub-par professional loser. He wishes he was black, and being successful and white without resorting to perpetuating degeneracy is uncool in Millers mind.
He used to sing love songs with a girl who, to be honest, probably has more bars than McCormick himself. The girl also had a deeper voice than Miller at the time, and likely still does. Miller is in his late twenties, though still acts like he is 16. The extent of his routine is highlighting weed and prescription drug abuse because in Millers tiny mind, it's cool to act and look like a loser.
He perpetuates unrealistic stereotypes of being a huge faggot to his pre-pubescent fanbase, falsely having them believe that anybody can be as shitty of a rapper as himself, so long as they follow in his foot steps of being a massive loser.
Miller gets around with his mouth open like he has some form of mental condition, this is probably linked to years of prescription drug abuse. He also is covered in crap tattoos that look like they cost him 50 dollars from Thailand when he went there to have sex with transvestites, which is he also well known to do.
Normal human being 1: Man.. who is that kid licking the window in a circular motion up the back of the bus?
Normal human being 2: Dude, Isn't it that Mac Miller kid?
Normal human being 1: Oh yeah shit, it is too! That's such a Mac Miller thing to do!
30👍 85👎