Source Code


A PAID "agar.io" "Helper" bot which travels in one direction usually. It's advertised as "Helping the player" whilst it's actually just poorly made hacks. Mostly seen in "Experimental" Mode.

Person 1: OmG i BoUgHt A bOt iT's CaLlEd Agarbot.OVH
Person 2: you wasted your money.
Person 1: bBBbBb-Bb-bb-BuT i BoUgHt It FoR 0.23 GiGaBaLlS oN tHe CrYpToMaRkEt
Person 2: *dies*

by TheDumbAssGuy May 10, 2022

1πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A youtuber who mainly makes videos about DooM II and I WADS, mostly crappy WADs (Terry trap WADs). He's a cool guy. Sadly doesn't get a lot of views anymore. He has been around for more than 13 years on YouTube. Check him out if you like old DooM games.

Person 1: Have you heard of Aquarius199?
Person 2: Yeah!
Person 1: Cool!

by TheDumbAssGuy May 19, 2022


The most savage youtuber when it comes to roasting bad jellymid clones. Period.

subscroob 2 V1nce now

by TheDumbAssGuy March 29, 2022

2437πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž


A person who tells lots of jokes.
Can either be good or bad.
...or straight up too far.

Person 1: I'm a Comedian.
Person 2: You are?
Person 1: Yeah.
Person 2: oh, ok.
(Average conversation.)

by TheDumbAssGuy January 20, 2023


A dutch guy who just exists.
He's an alright friend who tries his best, and is generally an okay person to be around.
Listens to the most random of songs.
Either VERY straight or VERY gay.
Not much else to be said about him.

P1: Ay Thijs, wanna buy some snacks at the Appie later?
P2: Nah, sorry man, I can't. Mabye tommorrow?
P1: Sure thing.

by TheDumbAssGuy January 21, 2023

I has a bucket

The best site on the internet ever.
It contains someone stealing a poor animal's bucket.

one day he'll get it back, one day...

animal: I has a bucket.
person: grabs bucket
literally every single living being in existence: NOOOOOOO THEY BE STEALING MY BUCKET

by TheDumbAssGuy March 29, 2022

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


The gods of inflation. 1 american dollar is 41850 rial there.

all i can say to that is not stonks

Iran also doesn't like womens rights, that's kinda cringe bro.

by TheDumbAssGuy January 20, 2023

55πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž