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1. The situation in which a person or persons controls the entire market share of ghetto.

2. A game where small tin symbolic objects (syringe, bandana, pistol) are moved around a board featuring the world's finest ghettos.

3. The glue that sticks the boy to the hood

Fancy a game of ghettopoly?

Aw man, that Chris has the ghettopoly in this town...

Hang on, my hood's slipping. I need to reapply my ghettopoly

by TheIan October 23, 2003

23👍 11👎

monstrous carbuncle

A hideous waste of public money, often on a meaningless edifice of British national pride, probably built by a German contractor.

Comedy Pyramid

That new German-built monument of British pride is a monstrous carbuncle...

by TheIan October 22, 2003

5👍 1👎

white box

The accident recording device in civil aircraft pre-1963, when the equal aviation opportunities act was passed

Yes, this is an authentic 1959 passenger plane, look, you can tell from it's White Box

by TheIan October 23, 2003

5👍 7👎

hand waving

1. Navy slang for semaphore

2. The crude pidgin language adopted by vastly intelligent scienticians when trying to explain complex ideas and theorems to a normal person with only average intelligence or less.

The radio was broken, so the crew of HMS Ipswich had to rely on Hand Waving.

With a lot of Hand Waving, professor Auld was able to explain to Helen the importance of 2+ 3+ alternate magnetic coupling in an antiferromagnetic arrangement.

by TheIan October 23, 2003

48👍 21👎

comedy pyramid

A colloquial term for a redundant landmark, often relating to useless moments of public spending, the meaning of which has long been forgotten amidst a forest of red tape.

monstrous carbuncle

So there's that memorial statue of Patsy Palmer... you know, it's so long since they proposed that, it's a bit of a Comedy Pyramid now to be honest...

by TheIan October 22, 2003


1. an apparatus used to take photographs by the admittance of light rays through an aperture. Often using a lens to focus the rays onto a film of light-responsive chemicals.

2. Dutch slang for cool.

1. There's a nice bird, I'd like to remember what that looks like forever. I think I'll take a photomegraph with my camera.

2. Wow man, thet bord ish sho camera...

by TheIan October 23, 2003

49👍 38👎


Toby's dog in episode 3 of the Rockford Files.

Here, Cutty! Good boy.

by TheIan October 23, 2003

2👍 14👎