BTD (or as originaly known as "Bite The Dust") is an word used in jojo's bizzare adventure: diamond is unbreakble in the last scene where Main Villian A.K.A yoshikage kira tries to escape with his 3th bomb type (BTD) from jojo's hands and after an while his soul was transporting to the place when he was young and got his first kill, his body maintan in the place and jotaro stoped the time and beated the crap out of yoshikage kira
theres not really example but here is how it is typed in japanese - 3åçå¼¾ãã»ãããåã! (3 kata bakudan ga hokori wo kamu !) 3TH TYPE BOMB BITE THE DUST - 3TH TYPE BOMB BTD!
hocer_303 is mostly likely someone's username on one game (and its true) but for some reason some of these games might have filters preventing from typing it
the original username of etc game and how to type it shortly - "im hoc, nice to meet you!", "im hocer_303, nice to meet you!"