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A man who is above all men. He reads the Urban Dictionary definitions and laughs at them. Some are accurate, some are not. Davids exude confidence. Qualities to look for in a David are tallness, excellent brown hair, sweetness, loves high fives, nerdiness, Marvel Comics titles (Spectacular, Amazing, Astonishing, etc.). A David can laugh in the face of danger. A David has his zombie survival plan all worked out and he knows who he's saving. Davids are generally kind to all who encounter them, but can be protective and territorial. Evildoers beware, because there just might be a David right behind you.

David drives 60 miles down the highway. Tim drives 60 miles down the highway going in the opposite direction. They meet and high-five. To keep the universe balanced a hole is torn to the peanut butter dimension and there is an explosion of peanut buttery epicness.

by TheKarmaMan December 11, 2010

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