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Can be used as a noun or a verb, depending on context. Often used in video-game situations, such as with Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

1. Someone or something that dies/uses up all lives with amazing speed,

2. someone/thing that dies by falling, either ridiculously often or,

3. when a simple opportunity(s) to save oneself from death is blatantly missed.

4. Making a stupid mistake.

5. When the result of an action is the opposite of the expected or desired effect; can be either negative (usually) or positive (rare).

i.e(negative): Playing video games, person A tries pressing the up button on the controller. The side button is instead pressed, thoroughly screwing the pooch.

i.e.(positive): With a history of failure, everyone expects person B to fail yet again, however, person B actually does well.

6. The occurrence of an accidental, self-inflicted troll.

7. Being really good at being really bad/Succeeding at failing.

*A person/thing characterizing any of these definitions may also be referred to as "Papes."
Used not so much as a derogatory term towards a human being, "Papes" refers to the personification of fail--an outside force which is causing the papes to happen. Therefore, when failure occurs, it is blamed on "Papes."

Character: *falls off cliff*
Player: "PAPES!!! Y U SO PAPES?!"
Papes: LOL, U mad?

Person A: "If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?"
Person B: "Papes."

Person A: *Dies stupidly in video game.*
Person B: "Y u do that?"
Person A: "Because: papes."

by TheMightyPapes May 24, 2011

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