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Bognor Regis

Bognor Regis is a large area that currently occupies the area between Littlehampton and Chichester.

It is known for it's large areas occupied by chavs, such as an area known to the locals as 'Lego', which is almost solely inhabited by the blood and entrails of rival 'gangs' - often comprised of fifteen year-olds on scooters and meth addicts.
Despite it's faults however, Bognor still manages to pull its muddy sloppy self up the ledge in order to grab the attention of tourists with cries of 'Butlins' 'Butlins'.

Most of these tourists disappear from the Burberry-style fabric of Bognor society never to be seen again.

The night life comprises of kids drinking and throwing up, burglaries and late night meth-fuelled raves. If you go to Bognor or Lego, you take your life in your own hands.

Bro: "Hey, so I heard you went to Bognor Regis last night, dude. How did it go?"
Dying tourist: "They...shanked me...twenty times...I just told them to get a job..."

by TheMortimer June 9, 2014

18👍 10👎