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Refers to the Gungan Basic word for "Superb", seen in the Star Wars franchise.

Additionally, a (horrendously terrible) video game exists for the PS2 by the name of "Super Bombad Racing".

Yeah, it's unfortunate. I know.

1) e.g. "Yousa thinkin' dis isa Bombad game?! Oie boie..."
Translates to: "You think this is a superb game?! Oh boy..."

2) Jon: "What is going on here? What's a 'Bombad'?! I don't know who was in charge of this, but they are clearly an unrecognised genius. You had, like, AAAALL the Star Wars lexicon and you chose THIS?! You went with Bombad."

*40 seconds later*
*Chaos, calamity and dubstep ensues.*

by TheNimonBePraised October 8, 2015

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