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Another word for "I'm a stuck up asshole." Usually used to emphasize someone's non involvement in something as well.

Person 1: I think defenses should try and take Tom Brady out of the game

Person 2: No, nobody can even get to Brady because the patriots are so great. I'm not a Patriots fan either. I'm just a realist.

by TheNoobAvenger November 1, 2007

53👍 241👎


A fictional vehicle, often used to tell someone to shut the fuck up because they are whining too much.

Person 1: My dad just found out he had cancer, and my cat just got hit by a car.

Person 2: Awwwwww. Someone call nine waaa waaa, and get a wambulance over here.

by TheNoobAvenger October 23, 2007

61👍 86👎