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when a "libtard" be spouting the incorrect information known as "cap"

Jeremiah: "Yeah bitch Emily from Chemistry class told me I can't be pro 1st amendment."
Roger: "Well that's stupid, quite libtardical actually."

by TheNwordOfficial March 19, 2021

14👍 23👎

Don't cap on the name

The sentence that changed everything. From the moment of it's existence it has warped space and time and is the only sentence currently available that can automatically make anyone laugh. The exact origins of the sentence have not been noted but some say the words were first spoken by a "discord packer".

George: "Shutcho bitchass up Ascend you braindead moron with no life. Go to fucking school for once instead of spending your time skipping school to scream at little kids on the popular social media platform made for gamers, Discord.com"
As "world's best discord packer" cend: "Aye bruh Don't cap on the name bruh dont even talk to me like that I'll slap the shit outchu on god yo granma on a scooter at 3 am doing donuts on a Walmart parking lot."

by TheNwordOfficial August 18, 2021

21👍 1👎


A stuck up entitled European that cannot help but preach to others how they are superior for living in Europe. Having "free" Healthcare and tiny houses with bike paths. Ready to claim their moral and intellectual high ground by using "empirical" evidence to show how their country has more freedom and equal rights than a non European country. Also inclined to prove their geographical knowledge over others whom grow up in different parts of the world and shaming them for not knowing where every major city lies in Europe. Meanwhile being too ignorant to understand the fact that their cities aren't close to the importance of others around the globe and bear almost no significance to foreigners' lives thus not being referenced or taught about much outside Europe.

"I sure do love ~40% of my income going to the government! Its so much better to have over a third of my paycheck cut so I can be put on a month(s) long waiting list if I even encounter any health issues! I absolutely adore living in a small house and having to ride bikes everywhere! Its so much better to live here because these are things that I personally value and I must whine and put it in foreigners' faces that my country is better and our way of living is superior to theirs!!! Stupid Americans they cannot even point out Hamburg in a map of Europe if they tried!!" - Proud Eurocel (cannot point out San Antonio on a map of the U.S. despite the country being almost the same size as all of Europe and the city being about the same size and of the same significance as Hamburg)

by TheNwordOfficial August 6, 2022

8👍 1👎