Geoengineering/Cloud seeding trails
It's been too dry the past couple weeks so we'll probably see chemies later
"You're under arrest!"
"Your dog died."
"I hate you."
A person without a spine. Follows trends, no matter how brainless they are. They are always hyper-conformist, and always submit to authority. Whether the authority is a great leader or a genocidal tyrant - it makes no difference to a normie.
Normies demonize and bully people with more spine and confidence than they'd ever hope to have. A normie is a crab in the bucket desperate to pull others to their level and share their misery. A normie doesn't think for himself, or even think at all.
Normies are often successful in the system, but in reality they're failures, and they know it. They're cowardly, stupid slaves wasting their life away just to regret it on their deathbed, if they even regret it at all. The normies are the faceless masses with no past are no future, a unit in the part of greater whole that will never distinguish itself no matter their 'achievement' because their 'achievement' is only what system itself will allow. That's why normies always die cold and forgotten.