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Genderfluid and Omnisexual

Genderfluidity is a gender in which your gender fluctuates. Like me. Some days I identify as male, some days I identify as female, some days neither, and some days both.

Omnisexuality is similar to Pansexuality in that, pansexuality is a sexual and/or romantic attraction to people regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, without any sort of preference. Omnisexuality is a sexual attraction to people regardless of gender/sexual orientation, BUT gender still plays a role in attraction. To summarise, Omnisexuality is just pansexuality with a gender preference.

Before you challenge me, I am both of these. Shut.

I am genderfluid and omnisexual. I know my pronouns were he/him yesterday, but today my pronouns are they/them.

by TheRainyWitch May 25, 2022

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