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An evolutionary psychology theory that beta males and feminists refuse to look at or even acknowledge exists. They will usually blame the MGTOW and MRA community for making it up, but that just shows their lack of research, even though these same groups will tell their detractors and opponents to "do your own research" or "educate yourself".
The theory itself is the study that women seek higher status men and men with more resources to give her seed to the best possible mate. There is nothing inherently wrong with this, but left unchecked can cause societal problems.

A woman rejected a man with a lower paying salary. This is a sign of her hypergamy, as she doesn't want to date and get married to a cashier whom is barely making ends meet.

by TheRandomObserver October 22, 2018

552👍 193👎


Something that women typically do to men when men come home from a 12-14 hour work day.
Men dread even going home and find excuses to stay at work longer to avoid this.

Co-Worker: Man I can't wait to go home.
Man: I can, I really don't want to go home.
Co-Worker: Why? Something wrong?
Man: The woman is gonna nag at me for not taking out the trash again when she is fully capable of doing that herself. She sits around all day watching soap operas.
Co:Worker: Sounds rough.

by TheRandomObserver July 18, 2021